This is the highest level of leadership within the Pathfinder/Adventurer programs of the church. It centers on one’s spiritual life and growth first and foremost. General leadership skills are sharpened to lead the youth in God-ordained areas. The study of God’s nature and outreach ministry, service to others and a life-style that promotes healthy living increases the amount of development within the youth.
The Master Guide curriculum is primarily intended to train those who wish to be actively involved in junior youth ministry in their local church. Its objective is to provide opportunities for participants to develop an awareness of the role of child/youth leadership and become better prepared to accept this role by receiving training in:
  • Personal and Spiritual Development Skills.
  • Development Leadership
  • Development Fitness
  • Life-style Development

(Salute for the Pledge by placing the palm of your right hand over your heart) “Loving the Lord Jesus, I promise to take an active part in Adventurers, Pathfinders and Youth Ministries, doing what I can to finish the work of the gospel in all the world”.

(Sworn in as you repeat the Law)
“The Master Guide Law calls me to: be an example in Word, Conduct, Love, Spirit, Faith, and Purity.” (Based on 1 Timothy 4:12)


The SDA Church is committed to training youth and young adults for leadership and service to God and humanity.


Develop Christ-like leaders to disciple children , youth and young adults.


To empower leaders through effective training, equipping and deploying them for service.


To see all young people saved.

John Doe

The Head of the Master Guides

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